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Image of Heather Berndt

My career as an artist and soul care professional began around age 4 when I would wake up early and draw on the bedroom walls using contraband markers. Little did I know in those quietly rebellious moments I was listening to God. Over the years many of my creative acts and conversations with the holy stayed hidden. Some of this secrecy was steeped in untrue teachings about the divine, and some of it was simply due to a lack of role models for how to live a creative life.

For me, there is no separation between creativity and spirituality. Art, guidance, and the many faces of the divine show up in the space of deep listening. Whether I am sitting with a directee, facilitating a retreat, or standing at the canvas, each moment has an invitation from spirit to pay attention and to follow her to places of mystery and awe.

Most of my creative expression comes from a place of play, curiosity and trusting the next right thing. I try to hold the creative act lightly and give myself lots of permission to take risks, to make messes, and to be surprised. The spiritual life is no different. When we explore our relationship with God we need the freedom to make some serious mud if we want to co-create a life of meaning and beauty. Thank goodness there is no one type of artist and there is no one way to be with the divine.

To inquire about spiritual direction, email me or call 1-509-389-2851.